Diplomacy and Other Poetic Sentiments

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14


“With all my heart, I tolerate you.” 

Oddly enough, I have yet to see these words splashed in false gold-leaf across the front of a sappy floral greeting card.

When I consider the amount of airtime the word, “tolerance,” is given, I have to wonder why it has not yet received this high commendation of public approval in the sentiment department. For $3.99 or thereabouts, an average human can purchase a bit of folded paper in order to proclaim undying love and devotion, wish a friend a happy birthday, send all manner of random holiday greetings, or even express sympathy over the loss of a cat.

Yet the only “tolerance” cards I can find have been sardonic parodies meant for a laugh. I have yet to hear any young man blubbing out an ardent and passionate confession of tolerance for a woman or a furious teen shrieking, “I tolerate you!” at the top of her lungs to her life-ruining mother.

Tolerance, it would seem, is a bit inadequate as an emotion.

So what’s all the fuss? Oh, yes; I remember. Tolerance is supposed to pave the path to peace.

What a heartwarming image that evokes – a room full of people representing widely differing cultures, races, and viewpoints all tolerating one another with tender, brotherly toleration.

Or perhaps the scene might more accurately be described as a room filled with heads bent over a wide variety of electronic devices upon which people tap out their knee-jerk responses to a staggering volume of bullet-point, shock-and-awe headline sound bytes, because really there simply isn’t time in the day to process it all.

I guess that’s why the author of that ancient letter now titled “Hebrews” in English translations of the Bible felt the need to qualify his call to “strive for peace with everyone.”

Peace alone, it would seem, is also a bit inadequate.

For one thing, we are urged to “strive.” That alone tells us that achieving “peace with everyone” will not be easy. This is going to be a matter of good, old-fashioned blood, sweat, and tears… the most precious of which were shed some 2000-odd years ago upon one of the more heinous modes of public execution that my species has invented.

But I digress…

The point is that peace is not enough. We must also strive for holiness, because without that key ingredient, no one will see the Lord; they will only see the friendly neighbor or the pacifist.

I find it interesting to note that the admonition to strive for peace and for holiness comes immediately after a discussion of the importance of discipline in training and the author’s coaxing to “lift drooping hands and strengthen weak knees,” which in today’s vernacular may or may not be slightly akin to “man up” or “put on your big-girl panties.” I can’t be sure because I am not privy to the nuances of colloquial Koine Greek.

At any rate, the import is that peace and holiness are not easily achieved. In fact, I would postulate that it takes something very unearthly to attain either true peace or holiness ; nothing less than the very life and breath of God in us… or at least that’s how I understood the Messiah’s words, “apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

With all this in mind, I think I love the Complete Jewish Bible’s translation of Revelation 3:19 most of all because it so beautifully reflects the idea of expended effort (and ironically is written to the lukewarm Laodicean church):

As for me, I rebuke and discipline everyone I love; so exert yourselves, and turn from your sins!
Revelation 3:19, CJB

Exert yourselves, and turn from your sins…

Hmmm… it seems to me that some of this striving for peace and holiness stuff might require me to first expend some effort in a reversal of my own faults, flaws, and outright crimes. That puts some punch to the Lord’s statement about denying self and taking up crosses in order to follow Him. He certainly did not carry His cross to the Roman equivalent of Disneyland.

It could be that what the world needs most is not so much tolerance as it is a stout number of Christians willing to take a sober look in the mirror and Biblically evaluate how well the Kingdom ambassador peering back is doing in his or her representation of the Most High God.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20

Personally, I am humbled by that thought…


17 thoughts on “Diplomacy and Other Poetic Sentiments

  1. It seems to me that if I could just get ME out of the way, it would be a lot easier to be reconciled to God. Had a convo with another man about how we have this insatiable desire to get away with something. It makes us feel in control. But that is so counter to the truths you present here. Tolerance isn’t the currency we should be seeking. The love and grace of God flowing through us should be our stock in trade. Thanks for this thought-provoking piece, Heather.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. God has been bringing the effort to my attention quite a bit lately, and it’s been a great reminder while parenting and working with teens.
      And thanks for the cardinal compliment. I have fun taking pics of them when I have time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmm. I see a bottom line which actually is the believer’s driving force for peace. It’s called LOVE. Love will definitely work hard at producing peace…and all good works which surely includes holiness.

    As much as we are exhorted to pursue peace, we are also admonished not to forsake holiness in the process. We can note the implication: peace should be sought as it will enhance our relationship with men. Holiness however is prerequisite for seeing God.

    With this I could paraphrase by saying:

    “through holiness, pursue peace with all men and then you may be sure of seeing the Lord”.

    More of Lord Jesus to you Dear Heather.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. No worries. I have had that happen to me many times!

        Glad to hear you are well! In our part of the world, we are enjoying some cooler weather after a hot summer. I enjoy walking and talking with our Savior on these cool, sunny days!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hmmm. I see a bottom line here. It’s called LOVE. Love will definitely pursue peace with all men…as well as produce all the goodness of the Spirit which surely includes Holiness.

    From the first scriptural text, we may notice that pursuing peace fosters good relationship with men, while holiness is prerequisite for seeing God. The former must never be done at the expense of the latter (we could also say vice versa).There is definitely hierarchy.

    In summary, I may therefore paraphrase thus:

    “through holiness, pursue peace with all men and you may then be on the way to seeing God”.

    More of Lord Jesus to you Dear Heather.

    Liked by 1 person

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