An Oops -Lovely Blog Award

one-lovely-blog-award-badge1 An embarrassingly long time ago, or at the end of September (whichever you prefer to go with), I was nominated for this award by Lene in Japan on her wonderful blog, Wrestling with Faith- Dancing With Jesus.

Because I am absolutely horrible at completing these sorts of things, I thanked her warmly and then promptly forgot. I also confess that I feel a bit silly whether I participate or not. Like I always told my former judo sensei: I enjoy praise, but I think I handle criticism better. Funny, maybe, but entirely true! However it was, some quirk of memory brought it to mind today and I thought that – just maybe – I should actually do what I’m supposed to do for politeness’ sake. Oops. (Sorry Lene!)

Disclaimer: If I nominate your blog, you are under no obligation to follow the rules. I am only following them on a stretched technicality and very belatedly, so believe me that you will not hurt even one of my feelings.

Another disclaimer: If I do not nominate your blog, I still love it if I am following it. Otherwise, I would not have followed it in the first place. Honestly. Basically, I chose fifteen at total random and not my fifteen favorites. 🙂  Aaaannnd… if you’ve already been nominated, I apologize again, but consider it a thumb’s up from me. Besides, some days I barely have enough time to work on my own blog…

The Rules (Copied and pasted shamelessly from Lene’s blog):

Thank the lovely person who nominated your blog and follow them. YES FOLLOW me… actually even better: Follow Jesus!

Display the award logo and add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do (sounds sensible, right?)

Nominate 15 other lovely blogs listing them in your post and notifying them via a link in one of their blog posts (or as I chose – link to their blog while listing them).

List 7 interesting facts about yourself to the post (not really sure what would count as “interesting” but I’ll give it a go)


Fifteen Good Ones:

The Power of Story   /  INSPIRATION with an ATTITUDE  /  Detective Gluck  /  Jonathan Camac  /  Preacher Keith’s Blog  /  The Light Breaks Through  /  Shattered in Him  /  Beauty Beyond Bones  /  Mack Marie  / Life Less Ordinary  / The Bottom of a Bottle /  Julian for Jesus  /  Laura Bennett  /  In the Desert With Jesus  /  A Homeschool Mom Blog


Seven Potentially Interesting Facts About Me (but no promises made):

  1. I have never been bitten by an octopus.  However, a friend of mine has.
  2. As of this date, I have about three chapters to go in  revising my first novel. I say “about three” because there may be an ax applied to some of the last bits…
  3. I have several children that I consider to be “mine,” although I have only given birth to three of them. If I were rich beyond belief and none of their parents minded, I would gladly adopt them all, but alas, their parents do care and homeschooling doesn’t pay super well.
  4. I have homeschooled all three of my children until this school year when my oldest 2 started going to a private school and my youngest is considering it. Weirdly, it feels a little like being fired…
  5. Because of #4, if I ever say, “This year,” I mean “This school year,” or “The year that started in August and ends in July.”
  6. I have strange hobbies, like trying to learn Hebrew or feeling compelled to research every strange insect or unusual bird that I run across, especially if I can manage to photograph them.
  7. Um…  I can’t really think of anything else, so I hope six will be enough.


7 thoughts on “An Oops -Lovely Blog Award

  1. Hi Heather. Please do not ever feel like you have to be polite around me ❤ ha ha ha – I'm glad you got around to it though and yes, your blog do deserve the praise!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whoa! How did I rate an Oscar on your sweet site?!? Mucho thanks! Homeschooled? That’s so impressive. And yes, my husband and I are both in the educational system; he a teacher and me a school nurse, so our ‘year’ is from August to June also! Thanks again, sincerely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love everything I’ve read on your site, even when I didn’t click the button. 😉 Yes, I homeschooled all three until this year (my oldest are in 10th and 8th grades), and the youngest is still at home. I imagine school nurse would be… interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

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